Magic wipes? Hmm... well, that's how you title them.
And we show the principle of operation. The fibers of the cloths are made from hairs that are created according to the principle of natural hair. It is like a tube with micro incisions in the walls. When we clean, the dirt is turned into an emulsion with the help of water, and the hairs of the cloth "collect" that emulsion through these micro-cuts and close it until the next wash.
It is thanks to this special fiber structure that the cloths are so effective and only water is enough for cleaning. It is important not to press when cleaning, so that the hair does not squeeze out (otherwise, it will not have a physical way to collect dirt). This is very, very important to remember when using these wipes.
So, in this video you will see all this: how a cloth collects even the heaviest dirt in its fiber - shoe polish, greasy cream, hairspray. And that's just a tiny fraction of what we clean with these tools.
And at the end of the video, you will see how easily all the dirt is washed out of the glove under the crane.